Cooperative Extension Energy Saving ProgramHome Energy Savings
Water Heaters

Water heating is the third largest energy expense in your home. It typically accounts for about 13% of your utility bill.

What you can do:

There are five ways to cut your water heating bills:

  1. Use less hot water
  2. Turn down the thermostat on your water heater to 120 degree 
  3. Insulate hot water pipes
  4. Buy a new, more efficient water heater
  5. Install a water heater timer and heat water during off-peak rates

The fifth way only works for households that have an electric water heater and their utility company provides reduced off-peak pricing for electricity: install a timer that automatically turns on the hot water heater when off peak rates are in effect and shuts off the water heater when those rates are not in effect.


  • Turn down thermostat: you’ll save 3-5% ($10-$30) for every 10 degree reduction in temperature. Many thermostats are set at 140 degrees and so resetting the thermostat to 120 degrees could save as much as $60/year.
  • Insulate hot water pipes: $15-$20/year
  • Install a water heater timer and heat water during off-peak rates: up to $150/year


How-To Guides


Heating cost savings
Includes instructions on how to turn down water heater temperature at 1 min 40 seconds.
(2 minutes, WMV video, 2 MB)

Installing pipe insulation

(5 minutes, WMV video, 8.6 MB)


Manufactured homes: saving money & saving energy. For information on how to improve water heater performance, go to page 21.
(PDF, 1.83 MB)

Water heating
16 pages loaded with good information from Iowa Energy Center (PDF, 2.69 MB)

Energy efficient water heating
Detailed, illustrated fact sheet on many ways to save energy on water heating. Unfortunately the document was not scanned well. (PDF, 2.07 MB)

Heat pump water heaters
(PDF, 39 KB)

Water heating
Very thorough document on hot water efficiency and types of water heaters. (PDF, 150 KB)